丁宇 | DING Yu

四谈Mac OS X Dock


  1. OSX在UI上的问题-Dock和Expose

  2. Ars Technica对OSX中Dock可用性的评论

  3. 三谈Mac OS X中Dock的设计





1、对于任务栏或者dock来说,空间占用是一个共同的弊病。比起Windows上的任务栏,OS X上的dock在空间占用上有过之而无不及(减小dock尺寸?你觉得点击上面的图标方便吗?);

2、对于对当前所运行程序的标记,Windows的设计要远好于OS X。这是因为Windows的任务栏仅用于显示和操作已打开的程序/窗口,你可以在这些程序间迅速的切换。如果想启动新的程序,开始菜单、快速启动和桌面快捷方式都是很好的途径,精心的设计一下布局(如下图中我的方案),你可以获得很高的操作效率;但是在OS X上,dock在标明当前运行的程序、以及帮助你在其中切换时会让人发疯。dock上包含了所有的图标,无论是否正在运行,从那些让人眼花缭乱的图标中找到你想要的并不是件轻松的事儿,标识当前运行程序的黑色三角一点都不明显(最新的Leopard修改成了更不明显的),图标的位置也是随着dock上程序/窗口的打开情况而变化,万一点错了你就惨了:慢慢地等着新程序启动完再把它关了吧。现在你知道dock的设计有多糟了;

对于表现一个程序的多个窗口,Windows的任务栏和OS X的dock都没有好的设计。但原作者的批评是莫名其妙的,因为dock图标一样没办法反映同一个程序的多个窗口;




快速启动不是dock!原作者的逻辑思维有问题,难道在OS X的桌面上通过快捷方式(OS X上叫“替身”)启动程序后,还要求这个快捷方式像dock一样响应?!


"快速启动的主要问题是,它和任务栏抢占共同的空间。快速启动中显示越多图标,就意味着任务栏上显示当前窗口的空间越小。只有同时开3个窗口的用户才不会遇到这个问题,这也是XP Home默认开启快速启动的原因。"



"(在Vista中)任务栏上的任务可以弹出一个预览窗口,但这需要把鼠标放在每个任务栏上面。设想过这些预览直接就在那里,一眼就能看见而不需要鼠标操作?那就是5年前Mac OS X的dock。"






"I never use the Dock for minimizing windows. Talk about clutter. Plus, it makes all your app icons moving targets. This is also why I keep just about all the apps I commonly use on the Dock itself, instead of hidden in an Applications folder that I have to pop up. Every time I launch an app, the Dock goes nowhere. Much better for muscle memory."


"I think most of the people here don't see the concept and power of the Taskbar. It is the whole OS! You can reach everything from it and see always (!) every running task. This isn't the case with the Dock. So with the Taskbar it's easy to operate in full screen mode while you can switch to or start every other task. No need for an Exposé-like feature or additional menus.

And because the Taskbar is at the display's border (like the Dock), it doesn't matter how tall the buttons are (Fitt's law!). Scaling only the button's width is very smart to use the space in an optimal way.

With Vista there is now a very good hierarchical structure to display information:

1: the icon shows what program is running

2: the title shows which document a button represent (if there are multiple windows open from the same program. Titles are in the format: "document name - app name")

3: the thumbnails show a small version of the window (by hover over the button)

And one very useful thing about the Taskbar is, that you can minimize a window by just click the equivalent button a second time.

For me, the Dock (and the window management on OS X in general) is the most important reason, why I will not switch over to Mac. My hope was, that Apple would improve the behaviour of the Dock with Leopard but instead they just put more features on top of it (like Exposé before).

The Dock's behaviour is too realistic (> docking) compared with the (IMO) powerful concept of window entities in the Taskbar.

Think of what would happen, if Apple would replace the Tabs in Safari with a Dock-like bar?! The Taskbar in Windows is like a Tabbar for the OS."

  1. 内存不足 @ 2007-11-16 12:55:23 +0800:

    不知linux用户何时能正常使用支付宝的功能? 呵呵
    既然您是用户体验工程师 不知能不能替用户反馈一下?

  2. Felix Ding @ 2007-11-17 19:55:24 +0800:

    具体时间不能透露,不过对Firefox的支持正在进行中 :)

  3. bice @ 2009-05-05 23:35:39 +0800:




  4. zengguang.xw @ 2011-02-11 21:50:04 +0800:
